Northumberland National Park


Generally wet and windy. The north easterly gales sweeping in off the Atlantic are a common feature of the area.


There are two main geographical areas within the park.The Cheviot hills to the northandKielder Forest to the South West.The park is generally very quiet, it gets very few visitors compared to some of it's more famous neighbours like the Lake District National Park.

Flora and fauna

The park has deer,fox,badgers and other small animals are very common. However the bird population is truly amazing. The open habitats host many different species including Black grouse, Curlews, Merlin, Red grouse. Along the valleys are heron and king fisher.


The landscape is typically moorland, heather and conifer plantations. The Kielder reservoir is the largest body of water. Just over 70% of the area is open moorland. Heather is very common and approx 20% of the park is heather moorland which gives beautiful autumn displays.This heather moorland is largely unique to the United Kingdom and recently there has been considerable habitat improvement with grouse moor management schemes.


The park was designated in 1956 and since then has steadily become more and more user friendly with visitor centres and programs to involve and educate visitors.